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3 Mindfulness Skills To Practice
Awareness is the essence of meditation. Whether you are present in the moment or not awareness/consciousness is always there, you can always fall back to awareness.
“When the Buddha started to wander around India shortly after his enlightenment, he encountered several men who recognized him to be a very extraordinary being.
They asked him: “Are you a god?” “No,” he replied.
“Are you a reincarnation of god?” “No,” he replied.”
Are you a wizard, then?” “No.”
“Well, are you a man?” “No.”
“So what are you?” They asked, being very perplexed.
Buddha simply replied: “I am awake.”
Buddha means “the awakened one.” How to awaken is all he taught.”
Our mind is always wandering, in our mind there is always a continuous stream of thoughts. It is sometimes called monkey mind, the chattering mind.
To be aware of our thoughts has a great potential to understand ourselves. Instead of just acting upon them, if you can just watch them and something magical happens. You can see that you are not controlled by your though process, on the contrary you can control them. This way they loose their initial strength, and become less effective. Once you are comfortable following your…